How Often do you Cleanse Your Space?
I am naturally a tidy and organized person but that is not the same as clean. I willingly keep my space organized enough to live out my daily routine but I often convince myself that actual cleaning is an unnecessary waste of time. Part of this is just temporary due to feeling defeated by mom life because these kids (currently 7 and 4) make messes all day long and I live in an older home that basically always looks dirty. There are so many kinds of cleansing; physical space and person, energetic space and person and lastly purging. Let’s talk about them:
For Physical Spaces - I started scheduling big cleanings to make sure I get it done quarterly. While I cleanse my space of dust and other messes I add in magick. (See magick cleaning list at the end) My favorite being water safe crystals in my cleansing spray. The whole process feels like a release, when it’s all said and done I feel a weight lift from my shoulders. While this time used can feel like a waste, as I said before it is so important for our physical and mental health to keep our spaces cleaned. Since I’m not a huge fan of cleaning I also feel a huge sense of pride and accomplishment in the end. I have a checklist for each room to ensure efficiency.
For Physical Person - I plan out soaks, for my feet and whole body. This is obviously self care at its best and very magickal. I do the foot soaks weekly on Sunday (our Spa Night) or more often if needed. They are a must for my high arches. I like to add in whatever is calling me intuitively; but it is always salt and then commonly chosen Rosemary, Lavender, Roses and Chamomile. I really try to get in a good tub soak every month. This is one of my favorite kinds of magick because I love the idea of my body being part of the potion and the bathtub as my cauldron. I get really excited to make a bathing potion tea based on the moon phases or my cycles, light some candles and place some stones. Water is so relaxing and restorative. I also enjoy a good bath bomb because there are so many crazy magickal creations out there right now. I create a whole ritual of self care with positive affirmations and meditation when I plan a soak.
For Energetic Space - My favorite way to tackle this issue is to open everything in my home (doors, windows, drawers, cupboards, ect.) and burn an herbal wand. While walking through my home I think of what I want to let go of and or keep out. When the smoke cleanse is completed I wash the door frames and windows that connect to the outside. While cleansing them I think about everything I want to keep out and everything I want to keep in. I am making a clear distinction for myself and the universe about what comes in and what stays out. The last step is often skipped and beyond important; add in good energy. Do this by clapping, playing music, dancing, placing fresh flowers, lighting candles, placing crystals around and saying positive things to your self, family, pets, home and stuff. The cleansing part only removes unwanted energy it is up to you to replace it with the kind of energy you want in your space.
For Energetic Person - The best way to cleanse your personal energy is to go inward. There are so many ways to face yourself and grow. Some ways I personally do this: through therapy, rituals, meditation, exercise and writing. I use journaling as form of free therapy, usually in conjunction with tarot and other divination methods. I have years worth of moon magick journal prompt content that I have used in the past to guide my writing and growth. I am working an a class for others to benefit from them.
Purging Physically - This is my favorite thing to do! A cluttered space makes a cluttered mind and you need clarity to create the true vision of the reality you want. I started a best practice years ago for keeping our 700 sq ft home clutter free. Every year between Yule and New Year’s Eve we go through everything in the house, room by room together as a family. We decide what this space did for us and if it functioned efficiently or not. We make changes based on our family’s needs and purge what no longer serves us. I love how it feels like we level up our daily routine every year with our new ideas. We donate to specific places that could really use the stuff we have to give, like the women’s shelter, homeless shelter and local food banks. We do this again in spring or summer, but its more focused on cleaning and going through kid’s stuff because kids get a lot of stuff.
Purging Energetically - I think there are a lot of ways to do this but my favorite is a trip to nature. I love to visit the forest or the beach to clear my head. I do a social media free trip with the environment and just let myself be in the moment. As a SAHM I also need to do a girl night or girl trip to re connect with my divine feminine energy. I also try to plan one date night for my husband and I each month because our relationship energy is important too. I hope some piece of this inspired you. Check out the cleaning tip sheet below I created for my coven’s newsletter.