What Tarot Deck do you identify with most & why?

I have a lot of Tarot Decks!! They are all special to me for different reasons. I am going to go over a few of them here. This is the first time I have ever written about my Tarot Deck and I’m really excited to get into it. But, first I want to address an odd myth going around about how you can’t by your own deck and it has to be a gift……just nope on that trash. I don’t know where that came from but is not true at all. Use your intuition and pick out something meaningful to you.

The Original Rider Waite Deck Tarot Deck

My favorite Tarot Deck of all is The Original Rider Waite Deck, mine has navy with gold starbursts card backing and it’s so pretty. I feel bad about admitting this, but it is our mistakes that help us grow, so in transparency, this deck was stolen. I will explain further. When I was young I attended Catholic School. I was not about it and never fit it there, except maybe in art class and choir. In about 4th grade, some girls I knew saw The Craft and we all went down a rabbit hole of Pagan information because the internet was around and full of it. I knew I had found a truth I had been searching for and I assumed the other girls had too, nope, just me. I spent the next 4 years being even more misunderstood and introverted. There were two super cool shops in my downtown growing up and when I was in 6th grade on Wednesdays I would walk there (in my sexist catholic school uniform that got me catcalls) and obsess about everything I saw. I ended up stealing a few items in that phase and one was this Tarot Deck. I still treasure it to this day. I have spent money at these stores since then to try and make amends. I see it as a symbol of growth and evolution. This deck knows me well, we have a long history. Another reason for my deep bond with this deck is that the symbols seemed to click intuitively with the meanings for me, making it a great deck for beginners. The book was a little hard to use for interpreting the cards, which is the beginning inspiration for my popular Tarot Quick Reference Guide. It will be my ride or die forever!

Cocorrina Divine Feminine Tarot Deck

My next favorite deck is newer, she knew me right away and always gives me the most accurate and insightful readings. The Cocorrina Divine Feminine Deck is so beautiful. I have always been a huge fan of everything Cocorrina and I own most of her products but this deck takes the cake. Sleek and sexy, simple and structured. This deck makes me very happy and I look to it for deep emotional and personal readings. The book is beautiful and easy to follow. I appreciate the use of a quick 3-word snapshot and an articulate paragraph about each card, this way I can do a quick reading if needed or more in-depth. I highly recommend this deck.

Halloween Tarot Deck - Art by Kipling West

My third favorite deck is so fun! The Halloween Tarot Deck has really cool art by Kipling West. The first time I used this deck was in the hospital after the birth of my youngest son, he was born early at 37 weeks on Oct 29th. I had a C Section, that put us in the hospital unexpectedly during the Samhain Blue Moon on the 31st of 2020 that we had been planning for years to do big. I guess we did, just not how we planned. My baby charged through the hospital window under that moon while we used this Tarot Deck. I was asked to pack a bag and come in for my high blood pressure. I packed that Tarot Deck and my Samhain Tarot Spread Mat along with our Blue Moon Wish Jars. We ended up having an emergency delivery that night and I was so glad I took the time to pack well, just in case, my husband was convinced we would come home but I knew better. Now we use this deck during October and we when want to contact someone who has moved on. This deck has a small book that is useful enough. I would not recommend this deck as an only deck, this is more of a collector-style deck.

Serpentfire Sigil Oracle Deck

The last deck I love and want to share about is the Serpentfire She Wolfe Tarot Deck. This deck is so pretty but I did not connect with it in person in the way I wanted to and I don’t really know why. Maybe we are meant to connect in the future. I’m obsessed with the rose gold metallic edges on the cards and the way they feel in my hands. The art is body positive, trippy and cool. The book is good, no complaints there. I did however really connect with the Serpentfire Oracle Deck Sigil, more so than any other before and I recommend it. This one has black shinny edges, cool psychedelic art and modern interpretations of things. The setup of the book and the art together really work well. It’s a small deck but worth diving into.

What is your favorite Tarot Deck? Why? Join the conversation in our Facebook


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